Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Zen Master Yoda

Let’s talk about the little man for a second. Yoda, being a Jedi Master, basically could be considered a  Zen master in more than just title, his mannerisms reflect that of Zen-Teachers as well!  The Zen Master’s would put heavy emphasis on meditation, and the balance of Chi. When the Zen Master’s were asked questions, they would often answer in riddles… Or smack the asker. Sounds familiar right?
In the Phantom Menace, when Anakin faces the Jedi counsel, Yoda confronts him about his mother stating “Afraid to lose her, I think”. After Anakin question’s this Yoda recited the famous quote “Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate… Leads to Suffering.”  Our little Zen Master taught us the basis of Buddhism before we probably even knew what it was!
In Buddhism, one would truly become an a by putting an end to suffering, which is caused by desire. They would follow the Eight Fold Path which would  will lead them to Nirvana, the blowing out of desire, and achieve balance. But they could not do this by having emotions like love, which lead to desire. 

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